
19316582 Rear Drum Brake Cylinder 84.04 19316582 110
217-3446 Fuel Injection Throttle Body with Sensor 239.68 12639457 209
25779545 CLUSTER ASM-INST 193.48 25779545 198
A2096C Air Filter 91.58 89002269 420
ACK060923HD TENSIONER KIT,DRV BELT 256 19311333 353
PT2279 Black Multi-Purpose Pigtail 143 19153186 1
15-50159 Air Conditioning Compressor Relief Valve 26.73 10346382 3
15854939 Motor Mount 131.61 15854939 573
18027673 Front Disc Brake Rotor and Hub Assembly 18A73A 102.32 18027673 2170
217-3447 Fuel Injector O-Ring Kit 18.31 55579376 1
25779546 CLUSTER ASM-INST 186.93 25779546 198
36-359910 Power Steering Pressure Line Hose Assembly 39.16 19147198
4040 Engine Oil Filter Adapter 773.39 19309640 700
88972962 CLUSTER,INST 307.41 88972962 200
PT2280 Suspension Yaw Sensor Pigtail 135.14 19153190 10
15-50160 Heating and Air Conditioning Control Valve 64.53 89040309 160
15854940 Motor Mount 109.91 15854940 595
18046087 Electronic Traction Control Brake Pressure Modulator Valve Kit 1491.04 18046087 500
25779547 CLUSTER ASM-INST 211.57 25779547 198
4041 Engine Oil Filter Adapter 8.26 19309639 10
88972963 CLUSTER,INST 298.62 88972963 200
PT2281 Black Multi-Purpose Pigtail 180.84 19153195 10
15-31748 Heater Fitting 16.48 19193790
15-50161 SWITCH KIT,A/C CMPR TEMP 91.08 89022502 331
15854941 Motor Mount 131.61 15854941 573
18K348X Front Disc Brake Caliper Hardware Kit 26.23 19261034 14
217-3449 Direct Fuel Injector Assembly 133.7 12629927 29
25779548 CLUSTER ASM-INST 203.1 25779548 198
88972964 CLUSTER,INST 292.76 88972964 200
PT2282 Variable Power Steering Solenoid Pigtail 121.06 19153196 10
88972965 CLUSTER,INST 292.76 88972965 200
PT2283 Gray Multi-Purpose Pigtail 222.94 19167744 10
15-50163 Air Conditioning Compressor Relief Valve 29.54 25760083 20
19316587 Rear Drum Brake Shoe Adjuster 71.54 19316587 20
217-3451 Multi-Port Fuel Injector Assembly 219.39 88864825
PT2284 Gray Multi-Purpose Pigtail 444.82 19167747 10
15-31751 Heater Fitting 4.65 19193793
19316588 Rear Driver Side Drum Brake Shoe Adjuster 71.54 19316588 20
217-3452 Multi-Port Fuel Injector Assembly 110.78 88864826
K080553HD Fleetrunner Heavy Duty V-Ribbed Serpentine Belt 75.46 88875442
PT2285 Green Multi-Purpose Pigtail 156.36 19167746 10
12338062 Transfer Case Front Output Shaft Seal 15.77 12338062 5
14D941CH Ceramic Front Disc Brake Pad Set 48.6 19313856 300
15-31752 Heater Fitting 9.04 19193794
19316589 Rear Passenger Side Drum Brake Shoe Adjuster 24.64 19316589 3
215-176 Vapor Canister 197.34 17113327 253
217-3453 Multi-Port Fuel Injector Assembly 108.73 88864827
22778233 MODULE ASM-COMN INTERFACE (W/ M/TEL XCVR) 240.27 22778233 154
45U2300 U-Joint 85.02 89029426 520
D1557H Turn Signal, Headlamp, Headlamp Dimmer, and Parking Lamp Switch 96.28 15251096 27
PT2286 Oxygen Sensor Pigtail 83.84 19167001 11
15-31753 Heater Fitting 13.91 19193795
15-50166 Roof Console Auxiliary Heating and Air Conditioning Blower Control Switch 136.14 15112022 28
19316590 Rear Driver Side Drum Brake Shoe Adjuster 24.64 19316590 3
215-177 Vapor Canister 192.86 17113328 325
217-3454 Multi-Port Fuel Injector Assembly 141.52 88864828
26632X Lower Molded Coolant Hose 145.2 19163246 300
45U2301 U-Joint 92.58 89029427 450
46D2244A Front Lower Suspension Ball Joint Assembly 54.69 88876990 162
PF2260G Engine Oil Filter and Cap Seal (O-Ring) 18.48 19301505 17
PT2287 Front ABS Wheel Speed Sensor Pigtail 47.56 19167003 16
19316591 Rear Drum Brake Shoe Return Spring 4 19316591 10
21010587 SPR KIT,DRUM BRK SHOE HOLD DOWN 18.62 21010587 14
217-3455 Multi-Port Fuel Injector Assembly 157.93 88864829
45U2302 U-Joint 146.46 89029428 600
EP12S Electric Fuel Pump Assembly 130.6 19162977 148
PT2288 Alternator Pigtail 6.75 88862207
11509480 Nut 1.26 11509480 10
215-179 Vapor Canister 212.36 17113330 351
217-3456 Multi-Port Fuel Injector Assembly 171.68 88864830
45U2303 U-Joint 151.86 89029429 630
88972971 Powertrain Control Module 438.6 88972971 100
90464424 Cabin Air Filter 31.1 90464424 16
A2097C Air Filter 46.9 89002270
D1558A Headlamp Dimmer Switch 46.08 1995311 16
17428B Bonded Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set 34.66 18029638 210
17990857 Manual Transmission Mount 51.25 17990857 117
19316593 Brake Master Cylinder 263.14 19316593 150
21010589 Wheel Cylinder Assembly 49.46 21010589 75
215-180 Vapor Canister 221.06 17113331 354
217-3457 Multi-Port Fuel Injector Assembly 183.8 88864831
36-359920 Power Steering Pressure Line Hose Assembly 50.24 19147199
45U2304 U-Joint 83.02 89029430 410
88972972 Secondary Air Injection Pump Relay 240.86 88972972 88
ACK060923K1 Accessory Belt Drive System Tensioner Kit 185.69 19311151 386
PT2290 Engine Coolant Level Sensor Pigtail 18.95 88862209
15-50170 Heating and Air Conditioning Control Valve 58.48 89022567 1
215-181 Vapor Canister 197.26 17113332 365
217-3458 Idle Air Control Valve 154.07 88865048
45U2305 U-Joint 97.02 89029431 500
EP158 Electric Fuel Pump Assembly 132.86 25115224 112
15-50171 Air Conditioning Expansion Valve 110.33 89022575 56
18K349X Front Disc Brake Caliper Hardware Kit 23.15 19261035 8
215-182 Vapor Canister 165.92 17113335 295
217-3459 Idle Air Control Valve 191.43 88865049
22999195 Primary Brake Pressure Modulator Valve Pipe Assembly 38.2 22999195 82
45U2306 U-Joint 89.28 89029432 520
93189551 Air Conditioning Expansion Valve Kit 223.12 93189551 150
PT2292 Air Conditioning Cycling Switch Pigtail 34.83 88862211
15-31759 Heater Fitting 5.86 19193801